Quality Education
SDG 4 aims to sure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. It is necessary in order to maximize safe public health care and to strengthen the capacity of health systems. One of the Essential Public Health Operations is the delivery of public health services through health promotion, achieved by ensuring access to quality early childhood development care and primary education for all children.Investment in early childhood development is one of the most critical and cost-effective factors to promote sustainable development and is important to set the base for physical, mental, and social well-being. It is also ensured that, when a woman with formal education, is pregnant, she seeks medical help during the pregnancy and is able to take care of the child, giving it proper nutrition, including its immunization, which then results in a higher infant and child survival rate. To reduce the vulnerability of women and girls, efforts are made, to ensure equal access to secondary education and economic opportunities. To address human rights protection, special care is taken to minimize discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age, disability status, immigration status, occupation, drug use, etc. Life-long opportunities to learn and develop skills will be provided to empower women. They can participate fully in society and help children understand their rights and capabilities to work in the community. Proper education increases employment opportunities leading to healthier lifestyles, including proper nutrition, utilization of clean drinking water, and sanitation. Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare will be ensured for all, as well as creating an awareness health campaign for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases, like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other behavioral, developmental and neurological disorders. Thus, quality education is the key to Public Health.